
Picture Of Palm Trees

How To Apply

There are two basic ways to apply. 1) Go to the Financial Aid Office and fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). While there, check the list of currently available outside scholarships as well. 2) Check out the List of Scholarships (.doc) offered through the HCS Department, and go to the Horticultural and Crop Science Department office (Bldg. 11, Rm. 230), or individual faculty, to obtain additional descriptions and applications for scholarships awarded outside the university both within the State and nation. You may be eligible for several scholarships. 

To IMPROVE your chances, fill out the application completely, accurately, neatly AND follow these guidelines:

  1. Order transcripts from all colleges/universities you have attended. This may take some TIME, so do it first!
  2. Make sure you indicate employment related to the scholarship. Some scholarship committees look favorably upon employment and achievements in horticulture and crop science.
  3. Tailor your ACADEMIC GOALS STATEMENT to the scholarship organization. (If applying to the nursery industry for a scholarship, your goal should not indicate landscape architecture, retail florist design and sales, vegetable production, etc.)
  4. Make sure your applications are TYPED (or CLEARLY PRINTED).
  5. If you need two references, consider requesting three references so you have at least two. ALSO, they must be current letters on official stationary. It would be best if at least one were a Cal Poly HCS instructor.
  6. REVIEW YOUR APPLICATION with your academic advisor before mailing.
  7. Be sure to SIGN your application and put POSTAGE on the envelope.


Scholarships through Financial Aid
Scholarships through HCS Department (.doc)

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