Student Clubs

Picture Of Plants

Crops Club

The Crops Club is oriented towards serving all agricultural majors. The purpose of the Crops Club is to enhance personal and business relationships within the Ag. Industry. The club serves with other agricultural organization such as CAPCA (California Agricultural Pesticide Control Advisors) to keep strong ties with the community and other colleges. Regular events are scheduled throughout the year to promote unity and enable students to socialize and foster career objectives. Members also compete in crops judging contests.

Throughout the year, the Crops Club is involved in various activities. During the summer, the Club grows pumpkins on the Cal Poly campus and provides them to local schools in time for Halloween. The Club also conducts tours of the "pumpkin patch" for elementary school children. Club members briefly discuss how the pumpkins were grown and help the young students to pick their pumpkins that they then take home.

Weather permitting, the Club sponsors a bi-annual (Fall/Spring) deep-sea fishing trip out of nearby Morro Bay. Regardless of the catch, which can include gopher cod, ling cod and bluefish, a great time is had by all.

The Club plans and sponsors two banquets a year, a small gathering of students, faculty and friends before the Christmas holidays and a large, formal banquet in the Spring to herald the beginning of summer and the end of the school year. At the Spring Banquet, club members, faculty, family and friends gather together to remember old times, renew friendships and honor those students who have distinguished themselves during the school year, as scholarships and certificates are awarded at this time. The night is highlighted by a guest speaker who has been chosen by the Club as Agriculturist of the Year. There is also a silent auction, the proceeds of which are used by the Club to sponsor its activities. The night concludes as new club officers are installed for the coming year.

Club members are involved in other activities, including Cal Poly Homecoming, Open House, Fall Preview Day and the statewide finals of the Future Farmers of America (FFA). Club members also participate in professional activities at the annual meetings of: the California Agricultural Production Consultants Association (CAPCA), Weed Science Society, American Society for Horticultural Science, American Society of Agronomy, and Entomology Society of America. Due to the barbecuing expertise of some club members, the Club also has been successful in raising money by cooking tri-tip at BBQ's held at local vineyards.

Horticultural Club

The Horticulture Club is celebrating its 63rd year as a chartered organization here at Cal Poly. It promotes horticulture though community service and campus activities. It also promotes fellowship among those interested in horticulture; providing contact between students and industry. Farm City Night, Arbor Day, Unit work days, ALCA student career days, IPM (Integrated Pest Management), ASHS, and Open House are just some of the activities the club participates in.

Pi Alpha Xi

The name represents the three Greek words meaning fellowship, scholarship and the love of plants. This is a national honor society for floriculture, landscape and ornamental horticulture.


The Floral Design Team (affiliated with the National American Institute of Floral Designers) and National Collegiate Landscape Competition Team provide opportunities to compete in state, nation and international contests. Students manage state FFA contests in ornamental horticulture, vegetable crops, agronomy and floriculture, connecting students with employers and industry leaders whose guidance helps them develop in successful professionals.

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